PEACE City of Lourdes with the collaboration of Appeal by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates for the Children of the World under the High Patronage of the French Republic President
Introduction Bringing together Nobel Peace Laureates, distinguished political, religious, sports, and humanitarian figures and an array of musical artists from all corners of the globe, this extraordinary event will offer hopeful expression to the vision of the Decade -- reducing our children's suffering by creating a culture of peace and non-violence. The International Night of Peace will further mark the inauguration of Lourdes as the first Decade City of Peace, through its formal commitment to actively promote peace and non-violence over the next ten years. The Decade for Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World is an unprecedented historical opportunity for members of civil society and governments to engage in a global effort to make the world more sane, more peaceable. Initiated by all the living Nobel Peace Prize laureates, the campaign received the full support of the United Nations and all its member states, which unanimously proclaimed the first decade of the new millennium (2001-2010) as the "International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World" (UN Resolution 53 /25). The Appeal of the Nobel Peace Laureates Foundation has now set out to mobilize civil society to make this resolution real - to promote the values, teachings and practice of non-violence at all levels of society, among all people, around the world. Through a ten-year strategy rooted in global consultation, communication, participation and co-operation, the Foundation aims to chart the path towards the adoption in the year 2010 of an "International Convention on a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the children of the World" in which peace and non-violence education would be declared a compulsory subject within schools for all children. Lourdes: a city of fraternity For over a century, Lourdes has offered a site rich in spiritual and religious importance, serving as a place of meeting, sharing and helping to millions of people from all over the world. Opening its doors to welcome some 5 million visitors each year from 130 countries, the city has become a universal symbol of fraternity and solidarity. Today, Lourdes has taken leadership in advancing the Decade in the belief that peace and non-violence are an essential part of its mission of welcome. For that purpose, the city has signed a convention with the Appeal of the Nobel Peace Laureate Foundation that commits Lourdes to actively cultivate peace and non-violence amongst its community of worldwide visitors for the next ten years. As the first Decade City of Peace, Lourdes calls upon other cities throughout the world to join it in promoting a new form of cultural tourism rooted in a common search and goal for peaceful world for our children.
The International Night of Peace will be a profound experience, aimed at touching the hearts and minds of some 50,000 participants. Jointly organise by the City of Lourdes and the Appeal of the Nobel Laureate Foundation and staged at the foot of the majestic Lourdes hillside, the event will combine hope-filled messages and live musical performances, giving everyone present the opportunity to be part of a worldwide vision of peace and non-violence for the sake of our children.
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